Wednesday, August 15, 2012

So clumsy.

Yesterday me and one of my besties went to BWW (Buffalo Wild Wings). I genuinely love eating at that place. It is so tasty. 
[Note: If you have never gone... only go on Tuesday/Thursday otherwise it's EXPENSIVE!]
And I almost NEVER try something new there.
Oh except for Huckleberry Lemonade. I tried that and I will definitely be getting that again. It tastes like pink lemonade, but way better.
Want to know what I get every time I go?
Honey BBQ with Blue Cheese...Yummy! PUH-LEASE try it next time you go! It is thee best thing on the menu in my opinion.
Usually when I go I have a dandy time. Sometimes people who aren't so pleasant come with us(my besties and I), but overall it always ends on a fun note...
This time however, I wanted to mix it up. 
I succeeded. 
We were watching dumbest thing on wheels, one of my fav shows on at BWW and someone was super, how do you say it, stupid.
I proceeded to tell Kelsey about how one time when I was 11, I was really stupid. Just like that guy on T.V. I severely hurt myself and almost made my grandpa die of laughter.
Yes I was that girl who rode her bike into a garbage can. 
Those who know me, know that I can get a little dramatic when I tell my stories. 
Lets just say that while telling my story this time, I was not aware
of my surroundings. Specifically I did not realize my delish
huckleberry lemonade was right next to my hand, that I happened to be swinging.
So embarrassing.
I knocked that cup of amazing right onto my phone, my lap, and the floor.
Luckily BWW has wonderful service.
They got me another delish lemonade and all cleaned up. 
I love my friends. They're great.
I can't wait until I can go again. 


  1. hahaha. lovely. ps cute layout!

    1. Thanks! You are so sweet.
      P.S. come back to me... I miss you!

  2. YESSS honey bbq ARE the best! But I can't say I agree with your blue cheese. Just gimme some ranch!

    I know this post was about way more than food, but you can see what caught my attention =)

    1. No!!! I am so glad it caught your attention.I totally love it and am glad you love it too! It is so delish!

      Also, I can respect your love of ranch! :) it changes lives.

  3. Hahahahaha!!!! Totally made my night :) Love you girl!

    1. I'm just glad you were there to laugh "with" me! Best.Night.Ever.
