WAHOO! I literally can't wait to be done with these classes.... You have no idea! Too bad it will be forever until I actually get to see my family! Being responsible kinda stinks sometimes. You know? Oh well... I'm moving on. Too bad schools not over yet, I have so much to do before I leave. So I made a list.
Things to do this week:
-read the Odyssey
-take test on the Odyssey
-create a presentation on a recreational sport I've done[soccer]
-do a nutrition presentation
-create a compilation of all my Book of Mormon notes, into one book (that'll be difficult)
- write a two page paper on how I can Come Unto Christ (totes my fav homework assignment)
-write two letters to my future children on A.) how I will teach them responsibility and B.) how to give them the talk.... yeah, I'm excited.
Anyway, that's my week for you. I'll let you know how it goes... Hopefully I check off all of the above, on the asap!
I love my life :)