Sunday, May 27, 2012

Sunday School

...where to begin? It's interesting the amount of things people share at church! I think some people literally don't think before they speak. It makes me want to be careful about the experiences I openly share. I realized that those sacred experiences Heavenly Father lets us have, should be guarded until dictated by the Spirit. It also opened my eyes to the many small experiences He gives me, and how I need to recognize them and thank my loving Heavenly Father for them.
I guess I am just so grateful for the opportunity I have to live with the knowledge of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Today my eyes were opened to the grace given to me and how I take it for granted so often. I hope that I can live my life better and that my life can reflect that of a disciple of Jesus Christ!
Lots of love!

Thursday, May 17, 2012

And the rains came pouring down...

...well, actually it was fire-alarm sprinklers. I came home to find out that someone caught my apartment building on fire. Idiots. Oh joy. Here are some beautiful pictures depicting the event:

Apparently a girl was cooking and started a fire. Instead of throwing baking powder on that bad boy, or I don't know using the fire extinguisher that was literally located less than one foot away... home girl moved it right off the stove under the fire alarm! So dumb. (I guess in her defense... if I were in that situation, I would panic too). Here's the front of the microwave/back of the oven that took the brunt of the beating.

Some freshmen got a picture with the firemen. Lame! (But really, lets be honest... I wish I got a picture too!)
Because this lovely sister set the fire alarm sprinklers off, we now (all 4 floors below the flaming apartment) get to be in the lovely (temporary) owners of these jet plane-ish dryers to hopefully avoid water damage... oh and the thermostat set to 110!!!!! Lets just say that I feel like I'm in the middle of the Sahara during the hottest time of the day!
We were given specific instructions to keep the door shut, because of the dryers... we even got little blue tape reminders!

A bigger view of the two firetrucks, ambulance, and police car. As you can tell, nothing ever happens here in sexy rexy, so when it does, we must get pictures for the record!
Lots of love!

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

I think I'm dying...

but really... 
Yesterday I woke up nauseous and vomiting at one a.m.  
Soooooo early! 
My chest was on fire. BURRRNNN! It was miserable. So I went to the doctor.
Lots of awkward tests... and painful ones too!
 Plus lots of drugs, so nice.
Then the drugs wore off. I almost died... Instead I fell into a coma... on my bed.
Waking up this morning, I felt like I got hit by a truck.
Now that its almost 1pm, I'm still feeling like the truck is driving over me.
I've decided that this couch is my new best friend. That and the garbage that so generously takes my regurgitation. So reliable. 
Hopefully this nasty-ish goes away. 

Tuesday, May 1, 2012


I think that maybe every single time I start blogging or writing in a journal, I fail at it. I do it for what, 2 days and then stop. Well i guess we'll see how long it lasts this time... but really.
So what's new in my life thus far?
I left manteca :( I miss my family soooooooooo much and my soccer girls. I just love them! 
I left my kids at school, break my heart. I love those kids.
I now live in sexy-rexy (nick-name courtesy of CB).
I love it here. You know why? Because only here can i get sun burnt one day and hypothermia the next.
Only here can I drive with my backpack on to class because I'm SOOOOOOOOOO late.
And only here do I have the opportunity of being in the presence of the superior male.
Geez Louizeee....I am lucky!
I love it here.