Friday, June 29, 2012

Decisions, Decisions

Don't you sometimes wish that just a little bit of your agency could be taken away?
I know I sure do.
Sometimes I just wish that I knew EXACTLY what I needed to do, EXACTLY when I need to do it.
So here’s the decision that has been eating away at me?

Washington, D.C. verses Rexburg, I.D.

I know what you’re thinking, that is a stupid question.
But it really isn’t. I know where I want to be. I know why I want to be there, but that doesn’t always make it the right choice, does it?

I set my mind on Washington DC.

I mean honestly, look at that moonlight setting. It is beautiful, right?
Me and one of my besties Lyndee, were going to go together. I was so excited. Once in a lifetime experience! Tons of history sites plus more politics than I can handle which as of late I have been oddly interested in!!!! Plus, if I was there when I planned on being there, I would (fingers crossed) get to see a president sworn into office.) Seeing some people that I haven’t seen in what feels like an eternity!

However, apparently Idaho was the right answer for me.

Totally different, but still awesome! Actually I love the differences!
Can anything compare to the Idaho Countryside? Nope.
Can I get a cardio workout walking from my apartment to work? Absolutely!
Will I be graduating college December 15, 2013 if I stay here in Idaho?
Yes I will!!!!!!
Does that mean that I think I am grown up? You know it!
[Key word being think.]
So, turns out I will be staying here in Idaho...
and I'm kind of excited to be almost done with school.

Now sometimes I wish that my agency was taken away so I didn't have to make tough decisions,
but honestly the peace that comes when you make a decision
and know that is what Heavenly Father wants...
That feeling is indescribable. 
Agency is everything.
In the short term, no one wants agency. It would be SO much easier to just know everything.
That's not how it works and you don't grow at all that way.
If you don't have a testimony of agency, get it.
Having a choice is a beautiful and enlightening part of life. It allows you to grow and become more than 
you could ever imagine you could.
Agency is everything.

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Little Miracles

There are some times in my life when I can directly see the hand of God in my life through others kind acts.
After our party the other night, I realized my car had a flat tire. You've got to be kidding me! I was hoping that I would be able to drive it to the gas station and pump it up, but after looking at it, I'm pretty sure it would have been disastrous had I decided to drive it anywhere. Luckily, I had a spare tire in the trunk. [Thank you family.] I'm pretty sure the temperature dropped the minute I started to change the tire. I started feeling flustered and couldn't quite focus on the matter at hand.  
And then he came. Our angel. His name was ***insert dream man name*** I'll call him John. John was just the sweetest little farmer boy from Idaho. He goes to BYU in Provo. He was just up visiting the girls here at BYU-Idaho. My guess is that he thinks they are the best girls around. And he is right.
Anyway, tire changed. It looks great. If ever I was to meet him again, I would tell him what a blessing he was that night. Lets be honest, I probably would have messed up somehow without him. Anyway, it's just nice to see that you are cared about and that people love you.
Lets be honest with each other, I'm not perfect (before you judge me, neither are you), but I'm trying my very best to change. So today in one of my classes, my teacher was talking about how people struggle with different things in this life and how the true judge of our character is how we come to deal with those challenges.  He read a quote by Elder Jeffrey R. Holland that struck me down(like a 2x4):
"Picture the faces of those who love you and who would be shattered you let them down."
Mind blown.
This applies to EVERYTHING!
No matter what you're problem is, can you picture the faces of those who love you and would be shattered that you let them down by doing your sin?

Instantly, people I loved popped into my head.
My first thought, my baby brothers. They mean so much to me. I love them and care about what they think. I can't imagine ever letting them down. If I keep making stupid decisions.
Which got me thinking about my parents. What haven't they done for me? They have loved me unconditionally and offered advice on countless 2 am phone calls. What would they think if they found out that I had failed to make this one easy decision.
And my grandparents. They are always making sure I am on-track and doing well.

   Such a weird concept, yet so effective. Absolutely no action has to take place, but knowing that someone no longer can trust me and that I let them down.
Definitely changed my life.
I have thee best bosses ever! I have never been around people who genuinely care about me and of my success.  They are great! Always caring! I think that I am so blessed to have 3 people who care about me and watch out for me. They make sure that I am physically, socially, mentally taken care of.
It is nice to have "parents" away from my parents and grandparents.
There are so many examples of their kindness, that I can't even begin to describe.

It is wonderful to recognize the tender mercies that the Lord provides for us. In my scripture reading, I read in 1st Nephi (verse 20) again:
And when the Jews heard these things they were angry with him; yea, even as with the prophets of old, whom they had coast out, and stoned, and slain; and they also sought his life that they might take it away. But behold, I, Nephi, will show unto you that the tender mercies of the Lord are overall those whom he hath chosen, because of their faith, to make them mighty even unto the power of deliverance.

Take a little time to think about it and try writing down the tender mercies you see in your life.
It WILL change your life.

Sunday, June 10, 2012

I bet you're wondering what I did this past week...

Andrea, Lindsey, Megan, and I went down to Idaho Falls to go to the temple last Friday. So beautiful. Not only was it uplifting, but it brought so much happiness, joy, and laughter. After the temple we went to Texas Roadhouse.

While at Texas Roadhouse, Megan hijacked my phone.  I was trying to type: "Are you staying up to play video games? Dumb! We're going to the drive-in movies? Want to come?" Well, Sister Butler decided to  insert the word fornicate. Rude! I'm pretty sure Cory judged me, until he found out who really sent him that. He busted up laughing once he heard the story.

  But the night was still wonderful, despite the text message that temporarily ruined my reputation. Once again, thank you Sister Butler for that. We ate so many rolls at Texas Roadhouse that it basically carried me over until dinner the next night. I was stuffed. Basically me and Free Willy were twins... as displayed in the picture below.
 We rented Gone and Man on a Ledge. Gone was pretty CRAZY... I'm surprised that my heart didn't beat out of my chest. However, it did once again validate my dislike for Amanda Seyfried as an actress. She's pathetic. As for Man on a Ledge, I slept through it and therefore can't give you an accurate critique of the film.
 I worked hard this week. Like really, really hard. So hard that I got straight A's on my midterm grades! Yes, thank you very much. I feel accomplished and it may just be my own ego, but I'm pretty much a genius. Therefore, this weekend, I decided to go out and have some fun! I went and saw Bill Cosby with Lindsey Haas. He was so funny, but I kind of thought he would be funnier. Overall, it was nice to get out from behind my books and to actually socialize. Unfortunately, this was the only picture I could get of him.
 We walked around in the rain on Friday and felt slightly pathetic, until Andrew and David invited us over. We bonded. It was presh and so inspired. I would encourage everyone to ask themselves what the meaning of life is? Search it out, it's deep. That's why tonight we're going to dinner with them. They're deep. Also, there will be a lot of my friends there and grilled cheese sandwiches(which they're making, which I love).
 I think overall, the best part of my weekend was Saturday. Cocoa Bean has invented a beautiful concoction that mixes Reed's Dairy Ice Cream with their cupcakes.  I was over-the-top when I found out that my favorite cupcake [the dirty turtle--chocolate + mint= amazing] was one of the few cupcakes they made into ice cream. So naturally when they are handing out my favorite cupcake ice cream for free, we had to run right over and get some.
 Shortly after we got the ice cream we went to Derek's Rugby game. As you can tell from the picture, it was beautiful. And by beautiful I mean that the sight of the few masculine Tongans outweighed the sick-nasty sight of tight shorts and butt-cracks flaunted by the other players.
 We went home and made ourselves look pretty for the Mad Flow Hip Hop Show. It was LEGIT. Like crazy cool! It made me wish I could rap. I tried. I failed and I moved on... by showing my mad dancing skills at the Party at the Hart. It was pretty fun. Danced with some people I knew and some people I didn't know... at all. The people I didn't know were unique. All the more reason to dance right?
Such a great week. Now lets hope there is another great one to follow in it's footsteps.