Sunday, August 19, 2012

Listen to the Small Lessons at Church

Church is a wonderful experience, wherein 
individuals gather together to celebrate and worship similar beliefs together. 
I think it is wonderful.
It helps us to remember the covenants we made and to allows us to not only grow closer with our Heavenly Father, but also to help others to strengthen their relationship with our Eternal Father and our Savior.
I love it. 
Church was beautiful today. 
What did I learn?
Sometimes it is hard when your heroes fail you.
When that person you have looked up to while growing up, lets you down.
When you come to the realization that no one here is perfect.
When they go against the one thing they used to stand for.
It is truly enlightening.
You know what is beautiful?
Realizing that Jesus Christ is a perfect resurrected being.
I don't think I fully realized until today that He should be the person I look up to. 
He is eternal.
He will always be there for us, for me.
He loves me and wants nothing more than for me to succeed in life.
He is my Savior, Redeemer, and Hero. 
I look up to Him and His example. 
His love constantly surrounds me and beckons me to come follow Him.
I love church.
It changes lives and souls.
He changes hearts.
If you're struggling with something, you should seriously try going to church.
Even if you don't necessary know or believe that it is true.
Embrace the message and Spirit that dwells there.
Let hope into your heart and let it change you.
Let Him in.
Listen to those small lessons you learn at church.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

So clumsy.

Yesterday me and one of my besties went to BWW (Buffalo Wild Wings). I genuinely love eating at that place. It is so tasty. 
[Note: If you have never gone... only go on Tuesday/Thursday otherwise it's EXPENSIVE!]
And I almost NEVER try something new there.
Oh except for Huckleberry Lemonade. I tried that and I will definitely be getting that again. It tastes like pink lemonade, but way better.
Want to know what I get every time I go?
Honey BBQ with Blue Cheese...Yummy! PUH-LEASE try it next time you go! It is thee best thing on the menu in my opinion.
Usually when I go I have a dandy time. Sometimes people who aren't so pleasant come with us(my besties and I), but overall it always ends on a fun note...
This time however, I wanted to mix it up. 
I succeeded. 
We were watching dumbest thing on wheels, one of my fav shows on at BWW and someone was super, how do you say it, stupid.
I proceeded to tell Kelsey about how one time when I was 11, I was really stupid. Just like that guy on T.V. I severely hurt myself and almost made my grandpa die of laughter.
Yes I was that girl who rode her bike into a garbage can. 
Those who know me, know that I can get a little dramatic when I tell my stories. 
Lets just say that while telling my story this time, I was not aware
of my surroundings. Specifically I did not realize my delish
huckleberry lemonade was right next to my hand, that I happened to be swinging.
So embarrassing.
I knocked that cup of amazing right onto my phone, my lap, and the floor.
Luckily BWW has wonderful service.
They got me another delish lemonade and all cleaned up. 
I love my friends. They're great.
I can't wait until I can go again. 